Miss Chelsea 3 ft (2.5ft - 3.5ft)

This is Miss Chelsea 3ft (2.5 - 3.5 ft) Named as she's twinned in name with the smallest London borough Kensington and Chelsea is the smallest London borough.

She's elegant and chic needing to be adorned with stylish decorations.

She's a hand painted, up cycled tree and once loved tree. 

No watering, no soil, no needles. 

  • Our trees were once loved but now dumped we decided to give them a second life
  • Height 2.5 - 3.5 ft
  • The height is measured from the bottom of the tree to the highest point on the leader
  • Fully refundable of £30 is required to ensure safe return of the tree
  • We found customers enjoy choosing their tree so we will be providing pick up locations
  • To book:
    • Select the pickup/return location by name
    • Use the drop down menu to confirm your pickup/return location This is to be the same as the previous location choice, please ensure this. 
    • Select an available date in December then click the arrow at the top of the date section to move the diary to January
    • Select your January return date
    • Please note only dates in black are available. If there is no date showing it means the tree size is out of stock for that particular hub and to try a different size. 

        Picture for illustration only, stand and other items not included 

        More information on our pick up locations  >